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Kurupoto Cool Cool Stars

Nintendo DS

  • UPC 695771801811
  • Retail $19.99

Released on Friday, September 28, 2007

Published by Tommo NLA
Rated E

The stars have fallen from the sky! The only thing that can help the stars regain their power is the halos that were scattered all over Kurupoto Island when they fell. As a star worshiper, it is up to you, the Kurupoto, to free these halos from the puzzles they are stuck in and get your beloved stars shining in the sky once more. Simply tap the touch screen and rotate the puzzle pieces that stand between your beloved stars and their halos. With over 100 levels and thousands of possibilities, this game brings great replay-ability and lasting value, while testing your mental prowess.

Gameplay: There are over a thousand different ways to complete this game. Each level is uniquely built so that you can solve them in multiple ways Modes: Learn the origins of the Kurupoto and their star friends in the Story Mode or play the Normal Mode to unlock all of the constellation pieces Bonus: Surpass the highest score in each constellation to unlock a myriad of images Touch Screen Support: Utilize the touch feature to rotate the screen

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