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Drama Queens

Nintendo DS

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Published by Majesco NLA
Rated T

In Drama Queens, players assume the role of one of four girls, each with her own personality and special attributes. As their chosen character, players spin the game wheel to advance her through the 3D board game environment that offers options at every branching path. Should she further her career by working towards the big promotion, build her relationships by going shopping with girlfriends or focus on finding that one true love? As each girl moves around the board, she also earns points that can be applied towards securing "Best Friends Forever" (BFFs), boyfriends, and new outfits from the Fashion Boutique. But just like in real life, things are rarely that smooth. Landing on a Drama Space can lead to all kinds of sticky situations, like getting fired or losing a boyfriend to a competing girl. Players can also create their own drama with secret cards that let them steal boyfriends or promotions and add BFF points. Four boards range from the shopping mall to the runway and dance club, while multiplayer mode lets up to four friends play a fierce cat fight to see who is the most popular queen diva.

Features Spin the wheel and choose your path to move your character around the 3D board game environment! Beware of the Drama Spaces as they can lead you to lose your job, have a Best Friend Forever (BFF) stand you up, or cause another girl to steal your boyfriend In order to win you must become the most popular girl around. Your work, BFF, and love points are tallied at the end of the pre-determined number of rounds. Select from one of four girls with their own personalities and special attributes Compete with up to 3 friends to see who’s more popular in Multi Card Play or “Hot Seat” where you take turns on one DS. Gain points while playing to purchase outfits, BFFs or boyfriends from the “Fashion Boutique”. Purchased BFFs can then be used as selectable characters. Earn and use secret cards to steal boyfriends or promotions, add BFF points, or avoid the consequences of landing on a “Drama” space. Play in four different levels including Hollywood Hills, Fashion Gate Mall, Glamour Runway, or Dance Club! Friends: Earn BFFs while playing. Your friends give you unique abilities like stealing other BFFs from your opponents or adding to your popularity score. Work: Earn promotions or new jobs while playing. Start off as an intern and work your way to the top of the Fashion Industry. Love: You can get love interests while playing or even steal another girl’s boyfriend. Boyfriends also give you special abilities like allowing you to keep secret cards after using them or even move additional spaces.

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