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Survivor II Castmates Get Caught Making Out

Posted Friday, May 25, 2001 at 12:21 PM Central

by Heather Koehler

Movie celebrities they are not (at least not yet), but in the last few months they've become household names.

Survivor II stars Colby Donaldson and Alicia Calaway were caught sharing a men's bathroom stall at a trendy New York club and they weren't going to the potty.

The two left another castmate Keith Famie after the party Food & Wine magazine gave the chef and went on to party through the night. Australia must have been too much as the couple found lots of comfort in the arms and mouths of each other.

The closeness didn't stop in the men's room. Clubbers reported the two were grinding on each other all night long on the dance floor.

Makes you really want to see Survivor II: Uncut, doesn't it?