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Traffic Star To Join The Banger Sisters

Posted Monday, March 19, 2001 at 5:50 PM Central

by John Couture

Not only is Traffic garnering high praise for its filmmakers, but it's also throwing high acclaim on its stars as well. The latest overnight sensation appears to be the young senator's daughter, Erika Christensen, who's received many honors for her portrayal of a seemingly normal, affluent young girl with a budding drug addiction.

After taking a few months to sort out the many job offers that flooded her, Erika has decided that her next picture will be The Banger Sisters, alongside film legends Goldie Hawn and Susan Sarandon. In the movie, Hawn and Sarandon play former rock groupies that have gone their separate ways but are reunited through a series of events. Erika plays Sarandon's daughter, who like her counterpart in Traffic, is hiding a sinister secret life behind the peaceful tranquility of normalcy.

Talk about a star that's burning a little bit brighter...