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'Jedi Knight' A Religion?

Posted Friday, October 12, 2001 at 9:07 AM Central

by Tim Briscoe

Anyone who's seen the Star Wars trilogy five, six or, say, 59 times sees a correlation between religion and George Lucas's mystical "Force" and those Jedis who acknowledge it.

Well, a group of individuals across the world have transcended the film analogy and actually adopted "Jedi Knight" as their religion. The faith is gaining so much popularity that England was recently forced to create a classification for Jedi Knight since over 10,000 Brits declared that as their religion on a recent census.

The census was one of many attempts by the followers to make Jedi an official religion. Great Britain did fall short of making that claim however. "As far as I'm aware, nobody within the government will make this an official religion no matter how many people sign up to it. It is a really useless piece of information," a government spokesperson said.

The Jedis are still claiming victory like a bunch of hopping mad Ewoks. A message on the JediReligion.com site indicates, "Jedi Knight is now [a] official UK religion... We will be ordaining Jedi Priests in the near future. Stay tuned."

These people have just realized something we've known since Star Wars' stunning 1977 relase: George Lucas IS God.