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The Matrix 2 Has Its Own

Posted Tuesday, March 6, 2001 at 3:51 PM Central

by John Couture

As if one Keanu Reeves weren't already enough, the Wachowski brothers are apparently going to flood the Keanu market with their latest installment in "The Matrix" franchise.

Numerous reports indicate that cloning will be featured prominently in "The Matrix 2." The first report claimed that there would around 100 Neo clones doing battle with the real Neo. Another report argued that the cloning wouldn't involve Neo at all (phew!).

According to the latest report, Agent Smith (the relentless pursuer of Neo in the original movie) will break up into 10 versions of himself and atack Neo that way.

Whatever the case may be, I think that script writers need to stop cloning around and stick to the basics...