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Search for: Nancy

Matches: 53

Review: 'Miss Willoughby' will scratch your Agatha Christie itch
February 8, 2022
Review: 'Supergirl' gets better with age in Season 5
September 8, 2020
Review: 'Nancy Drew' gets a modern-day makeover
April 2, 2019
Review: 'After Darkness' sheds light on the human condition
January 15, 2019
Review: Disney gets an Ooh La La for 'Fancy Nancy'
November 19, 2018
Review: 'Her Stolen Past' defies suspension of disbelief
October 9, 2018
Monday Mixer: Check out this dance scene mash up!
September 28, 2015
Generations collide in 'The Intern' trailer
May 14, 2015
Best movies of 2015 that you don't know about yet: Dannette's list
January 21, 2015
Monday Morning Mixer: Justin Bieber as Robin?
September 16, 2013
Darkness reigns in 'Thor' trailer
April 23, 2013
Monday Morning Mixer: The 'Dead' rises again
April 8, 2013
'Veronica Mars' creator launches fan-funded movie project
March 13, 2013
UPDATED: Kevin Smith prepping 'Clerks III' (more details)
December 7, 2012
Monday Morning Mixer: 'Killing' a bit too 'Softly'
December 3, 2012
'Star Wars' in 3D gets a 2012 release date
March 3, 2011
'The King's Speech' and 'Inception' are the big Oscar winners
February 27, 2011
'The King's Speech' leads this year's Oscar nominations with 12
January 25, 2011
'Black Swan' leads the Critics' Choice Movie Award nominations
December 13, 2010
Rooney Mara wins coveted 'Dragon Tattoo' role
August 16, 2010
A lazy look at the winners of the 2010 Golden Globe Awards
January 18, 2010
'Up in the Air,' 'Nine' lead this year's Golden Globe nominations
December 15, 2009
EW names best 100 movies in last 25 years, we name the top 10 snubs
June 23, 2008
Hey Hollywood, stop turning my youth into garbage
May 29, 2008
Oscar's big winner is 'No Country for Old Men'
February 24, 2008
Two movies lead the way with the most nominations at this year's Oscars
January 22, 2008
Kate Winslet replaces pregnant Nicole Kidman in 'The Reader'
January 9, 2008
Ace Ventura Jr. has been cast
July 16, 2007
Review: 'The Holiday' no picnic
March 25, 2007
Helena Bonham Carter joins 'Harry Potter' universe
May 25, 2006
Heiress Apparent: Britney expecting a girl?
May 4, 2006
Online casino buys Brad & Angelina's sonogram picture
January 20, 2006
Gwyneth Paltrow expecting second baby
January 13, 2006
Angelina Jolie pregnant
January 11, 2006
Matt Damon marries, child on the way
December 9, 2005
Is Jennifer Garner pregnant with Ben Affleck's baby?
December 16, 2004
Julia Roberts hospitalized with early contractions
October 27, 2004
Courteney Cox-Arquette gives birth to a girl
June 14, 2004
Baby-Lo on the way?
June 9, 2004
Two for one pregnancy for Julia Roberts
June 1, 2004
Russell Crowe to be a father
July 21, 2003
Another 'Friends' pregnancy in the works?
April 24, 2003
A Little Movie Starring Jack And Diane
August 20, 2002
Tom Hanks To Star As His Relative
July 31, 2002
Jack Stars In Another Romantic Comedy
July 30, 2002
Liz Hurley Gets Stalker Visit
April 4, 2002
Chris Rock-A-Bye Baby
January 11, 2002
Baby Hurley, Who’s You’re Daddy?
December 4, 2001
Pamela Expecting Kid Rock Jr.
October 25, 2001
Anne Heche: Married, Crazy And Pregnant
September 10, 2001
The Disappearance Of Quentin Tarantino
July 13, 2001
Jay Or Dave? Catherine Zeta-Jones Gets Confused
June 29, 2001
Tom Green's Pranks Continue At Home
May 2, 2001