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On DVD September 29, 2009


A fascinating and humorous slice-of-life look at two men's search for one of America's most quintessential and enduring cult phenomena — Bigfoot. Filmmaker Jay Delaney follows the exploits of Dallas and Wayne, two amateur Bigfoot researchers in a depressed Southern Ohio town who have dedicated their lives to proving that Bigfoot is real. The pair claims not only to have seen and photographed Bigfoot in the murky Appalachian forests, but also to have had mysterious encounters with the legendary beast. Despite financial hardships, health problems, family strife, and halfhearted acceptance from the "mainstream" Bigfoot community, Dallas and Wayne remain steadfast in their quest. This honest and often funny look at their lives shows that Bigfoot is very much alive and well in Dallas and Wayne's world. The film is more than a portrait of small town dreamers; it's an inspiring and humbling look at a quest for a small piece of the American dream.

Not Rated.

Released by Oscilloscope Pictures. See more credits.