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Live A Little, Steal A Lot / Sudden Death

2012 Documentary Not Rated 180 Minutes

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Classic TV icon of the '50's, 60's and 70's, Robert Conrad (black Sheep Squadron, The Wild Wild West, Hawaiian Eye) - and Frequent Sidekick Don Stroud (License to Kill, The Amityville Horror, The Buddy Holly Story, Joe Kid) - are at their macho best in these action-packed feature films from the mod'70's. Sudden Death (1977) Ehen Ed Neilson's entire family is visciously murdered, he pleads with CIA operative Duke Smith (Conrad) to investigate. He refuses, but relents after Nielson too meets an explosive death. Deception, international intrigue and a ruthless "syndicate of businessmen" intent on raping a South Pacific Islands nation of its resources keep the pace fast. But when the executives hire a treacherous assassin (Stroud), the two are thrown head-to-head in a predestined match of cunning, wit and brute force. Only one will survive. For the opther it's Sudden Death. Live A Little, Steal A Lot...aka Murph the Surf (1975)Based on a true story, details the daring 1964 theft of the J.P.Morgan jewel collection from Ney York's American Museum of Natural History. Called the "Greatest Jewel Heist of the 20th Century," the robbers took 22 precious gems, including the Star of India (a 563.35-carat sapphire), the 100.32-carat de Long Ruby and the 16.25-carat Eagle Diamond (which was never recovered)... stones so famous they would be impossible to sell.

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Released by Inception Media Group. See more credits.