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Search for: Naomi

Matches: 23

Review: 'The Postcard Killings' is the complete serial killer package
May 19, 2020
Review: Disney's live-action 'Aladdin' will surprise you
September 10, 2019
The Oscar goes to... er, wait a minute
February 27, 2017
'La La Land' ties record with 14 Oscar nominations
January 24, 2017
'La La Land' sweeps the Golden Globes, Oscars next?
January 9, 2017
Golden Globes go gaga for 'La La Land'
December 12, 2016
Review: 'Our Kind of Traitor' brings smarts to the spy game
October 18, 2016
Best movies of 2015 that you don't know about yet: Dannette's list
January 21, 2015
Oscar Watch: Naomi Watts channels the People's Princess
June 12, 2013
Ben Affleck, 'Argo' get last laugh at the Oscars
February 25, 2013
Oscar nominees do their time between two ferns
February 11, 2013
'Argo' and 'Les Mis' are big winners at the Golden Globes
January 14, 2013
'Lincoln' scores a leading 12 Oscar nominations
January 9, 2013
'Argo' and 'Les Mis' are big winners at Golden Globes
December 13, 2012
'Dark Knight Rises' to add two actresses
November 11, 2010
Is DirecTV's 'Tommy Boy' ad in poor taste? (Update)
October 26, 2009
Remake of Hitchcock's 'The Birds' gets a director and star
October 22, 2007
Our ranked predictions for this year's Oscar nominees
January 12, 2006
Hanks joins 'King Kong'
July 1, 2004
Jack Black to take on King Kong
March 30, 2004
And the Oscar nominees are...
January 27, 2004
'Matrix' Beauty Tops Stuff Mag's List Of Sexiest Women
January 2, 2003
'The Ring,' Fact Or Fiction?
July 19, 2002