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Search for: Rebel

Matches: 69

Review: Gerard Butler continues to deliver with 'Plane'
March 28, 2023
Review: 'Medieval' goes, well, medieval in this violent historical film
December 6, 2022
Review: The Smiths and nostalgia uplift 'Shoplifters of the World'
June 1, 2021
Review: 'Masked and Anonymous' continues to mystify on Blu-ray
March 10, 2020
Review: Josh Hartnett returns with 'Inherit the Viper'
March 10, 2020
Review: 'Fast Color' is a slick superhero movie
July 16, 2019
Review: Dane Cook changes his spots for 'American Exit'
May 14, 2019
Review: 'After Darkness' sheds light on the human condition
January 15, 2019
Review: Foreboding tolls in 'Generation Wealth'
October 16, 2018
Review: 'Star Wars Rebels' ends with a bang
July 31, 2018
Review: Disney hits a home run with 'The Freemaker Adventures Season Two'
March 13, 2018
Review: 'Hamilton: Building America' strikes at the perfect time
November 14, 2017
Review: 'Star Wars Rebels: Season 3' basks in nostalgia
August 29, 2017
Review: 'Trespass Against Us' treads familiar fatherly territory
March 7, 2017
'Rogue One' rebels on DVD & Blu-ray on April 4
February 22, 2017
Review: 'Rogue One' is the 'Star Wars' prequel we all deserved
December 20, 2016
Review: 'Freemaker Adventures' takes 'Star Wars' to a new level
December 6, 2016
November the 4th: We have a young Lando
November 4, 2016
Will 'Rogue One' be the best 'Star Wars' film ever?
October 13, 2016
July the 4th: The return of Darth Vader
July 4, 2016
Happy Mother's Day from 'Bad Moms'
May 5, 2016
Monday Mixer: 'Deadpool' destroys box office records
February 15, 2016
Love, war and the disintegration of family in 'The Force Awakens'
December 30, 2015
I spent 20 hours on the dark side... and survived!
December 22, 2015
New 'Force Awakens' trailer offers the most details yet
November 6, 2015
The new 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' trailer is epic
October 19, 2015
Monday Mixer: Critics & audiences both pan 'Pan'
October 12, 2015
'Star Wars' news is all the rage
September 9, 2015
Force more 'Star Wars' into your television
September 4, 2015
Book Review: The force fizzles out in 'Star Wars: Aftermath'
September 4, 2015
Monday Mixer: E3 'Star Wars' videos and a young Padawan is arrested
June 22, 2015
Monday Mixer: Al Pacino and Cobie Smulders highlight new indie trailers
May 18, 2015
'Jem' completely misses the mark in first trailer
May 13, 2015
Monday Mixer: More 'Star Wars' news than you can handle
April 20, 2015
It's official, three 'Star Wars' films in 18 months
March 12, 2015
Monday Mixer: Is Lando returning to 'Star Wars'?
January 12, 2015
Lightsaber evolution is a 'Star Wars' calling card
December 1, 2014
'The Force Awakens' next year
November 6, 2014
The new trilogy will be the best 'Star Wars' films yet
October 16, 2014
War breaks out in full-length 'Mockingjay' trailer
September 15, 2014
Five 'Star Wars' rumors that we made up (or did we?)
June 18, 2014
'Episode VII' adds an Oscar winner & more set pics
June 2, 2014
Video of J.J. Abrams from 'Star Wars' set with new charity effort
May 21, 2014
Oscar Watch: 'Short list' of 19 animated films released
November 5, 2013
'Red Dawn' meets Nicholas Sparks in 'How I Live Now' trailer
September 24, 2013
Monday Morning Mixer: Justin Bieber as Robin?
September 16, 2013
Monday Morning Mixer: 'The Butler' did indeed do it
August 19, 2013
Project 52: 'Dark Shadows'
July 23, 2013
Jennifer Aniston strips to save 'The Millers'
May 23, 2013
Raisinets, The Rock's big toe & other things to like about 'Pain & Gain'
March 28, 2013
'Brave' wishes you a Happy Father's Day
June 15, 2012
Film Funnies #4: May the Fourth be with you -- All Star Wars Edition
May 4, 2011
GBU: Daydreamin' about the Beastie Boys being full of Melancholia
April 8, 2011
Jedi Master Minch and other 'Empire Strikes Back' first draft casualties
May 17, 2010
I wanna rock: Trailer for the upcoming British comedy 'Pirate Radio'
October 9, 2009
Video Trivia: 'The Empire Strikes Back' trailer
August 17, 2009
Yahoo's '100 Movies to See' list proves they can't count or make up their minds
March 24, 2009
Will 'Half Blood Prince' kill the Harry Potter franchise?
January 9, 2009
Has 'Star Wars' lost its luster?
August 12, 2008
Not your average 'Joe' celebrity baby
June 10, 2008
Christian Bale to star in 'Terminator 4'
December 3, 2007
'Harry Potter' hits DVD on December 11th
September 20, 2007
10 under 10 (degrees): The best movies to take the chill off this heat wave
August 17, 2007
Jessica Biel stripped naked?
August 16, 2007
A 'Rant' to Hollywood: Hire Chuck Palahniuk now!
April 30, 2007
Review: 'Pretty Persuasion' is convincing enough
December 16, 2005
Captain Kirk beams up for space flight
October 22, 2004
The Cast For 'The Human Stain' Takes Shape
February 7, 2002
Steve Buscemi Stabbed In Barroom Brawl
April 16, 2001